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    Hamish McLennan puts on the boxing gloves and hopes for a soft landing

    Despite simmering public criticism and the Rugby Australia dispute, the executive remains among the country’s most influential corporate players.

    Jemima WhyteSenior reporter

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    An advertising wunderkind in the 1990s, Hamish McLennan was skilled at managing up – and finding a soft landing when it all falls apart. After three decades, however, there have been enough disgruntled colleagues left in his wake during his rise to the top that it takes time to find a positive take.

    This week, a culmination of long-running instability found McLennan ousted from the board of Rugby Australia, which he had chaired since 2020.

    And that has dredged up plenty of past stories: how McLennan used to dispatch Ten’s IT staff to his home on Sydney’s North Shore when there were family computer problems; a pattern of sending texts late in the evening to employees disparaging their performance that day. A direct, some say, arrogant style. “Don’t sit down, you’re not staying long,” he would quip.

    But despite the simmering – and now, thanks to the Rugby Australia dispute – public criticism, McLennan remains among the country’s most influential corporate players.

    Hamish McLennan at his Sydney home this week. Edwina Pickles

    The big question? Does this week’s Rugby Australia mess – and McLennan’s own posturing in the lead-up to the board blow-up last Sunday and in its aftermath – put his corporate reputation, and the glittering clutch of board positions, at risk?

    It seems a stretch. But simply, people are asking: why did he let an unpaid (he donated the salary to women’s and Indigenous rugby) passion project devolve into such a public and unwinnable brawl? And what does it say about his ability to judge a situation?

    This week, McLennan has been in frantic damage control. Now at his Berry property on the NSW south coast, he’s pulling every string he can find to get his message out there. Some of his supporters are publicly championing him, others, like the Murdoch family – McLennan is the chairman of News Corp-controlled REA Group – are noticeably absent.

    The first half of the week was spent on radio, relentlessly calling in favours and having coffee with reporters. He might now be out of Sydney, but he’s still available at any time.

    “I’d like to think that for whoever I work for I put 1000 per cent into it,” McLennan says about why he went down so spectacularly at Rugby Australia. “There are wins and losses in everyone’s career. You just have got to win more than you lose.”


    And he fights hard. One piece published by The Australian following the rugby boardroom coup that ousted McLennan included details of text message exchanges that raised eyebrows at more than one boardroom. It was “pure McLennan,” says one former employee. “He doesn’t understand a graceful exit.”

    Standard boardroom behaviour in a corporate disagreement is to quietly resign and not discuss the brawl. “It’s not a dummy spit from me here, I just want to put a spotlight on the hypocrisy here because things won’t change,” McLennan says.

    “The coup plotters’ agenda is absolutely dreadful for the board and the game. I put three years into trying to pursue a strategy I thought would help save it, and didn’t want to capitulate to the bullying.”

    McLennan’s nickname is The Hammer, which people say comes from his days running advertising group Y&R and his cost-cutting approach. In fact, it was coined by Mike Morrison, who worked with McLennan at advertising agency George Patterson Bates – McLennan started in the mail room – before Y&R.

    McLennan in 2005, when he was chief executive of advertising agency George Patterson. Kate Geraghty

    “It’s easy alliteration ... and he went into moribund organisations and changed for the better ... he’s like a great wartime PM,” Morrison tells AFR Weekend, adding McLennan also has enormous energy and the resilience of a “bloody rhino”.

    Eventually, The Hammer worked his way up to global chairman of Y&R, where in his first few weeks he organised a client dinner in New York with Rupert Murdoch.

    In 2011, he left Y&R and went to work in the chairman’s office at News Corp, where he tried to consolidate the group’s advertising agency accounts into one global account. Lachlan Murdoch’s purchase of Ten Network brought him back to Australia in 2013, where he ran the television network for two years. The reasons for his exit in 2015 are still disputed.

    Whatever they were, they did not stop his push into the country’s boardrooms. The jewel in the crown is REA, the online real estate portal that has a $20 billion market capitalisation. He’s chaired it for 12 years, a role that feeds the perception that he remains in favour with the Murdoch family.

    McLennan won’t discuss the Murdochs, and a spokesman for Lachlan Murdoch declined to comment about McLennan. Is that a signal his time might be running out at REA?


    McLennan certainly doesn’t want to go yet. “I want to get the share price up over $200, $250,” he says about company, which has a share price of about $157.

    He says REA is a company that “celebrates tenure”, perhaps enabled by having a billionaire backer that doesn’t mind flouting corporate convention. Others describe the REA gig as a “gift from heaven” because it requires so little time and seems to just keep growing. Even McLennan admits the group has decreased the number of times the board meets formally a year.

    It’s also a helpful global calling card. McLennan’s role as a senior adviser at private equity group Permira, which has invested in real estate portals, was likely helped by the link. (It’s not his only interest in private equity – he’s also on the board of Claim Central.)

    Caledonia Investment’s Will Vicars see it differently to the critics. “He’s strong-minded with an enviable track record of success with faith in his own abilities ... I’m attracted to people who give things a go,” says Vicars, who has known McLennan since he was 18.

    His fund is also a backer of gambling group Light & Wonder, which is chaired by former Aristocrat Leisure chief Jamie Odell, and where McLennan has been a director since 2020.

    McLennan in 2013, as chief executive of Ten. Marco Del Grande

    Light & Wonder is just one of McLennan’s board roles.

    Another is ARN Media, the radio network owner behind Kyle and Jackie O, which is now trying to buy rival Southern Cross Media. Paul Connolly, who also sits on the ARN board, says McLennan is a considered chairman who always canvasses views of other directors.

    “In the boardroom … he absolutely encourages participation,” Connolly says. “He will always go around the room to ensure that every director has a say, particularly if there is any sense that there is hesitation at the table.

    “Hamish has always been keen to ensure that a board reaches a decision – likely drawing off his tutoring by his then mentors [in New York] who wouldn’t be known for their wide-ranging navel-gazing.”


    For his part, McLennan remembers some early advice from one of his first bosses, George Patterson chief executive Alex Hamill: make decisions, and you won’t get them all right. And companies can become paralysed, so keep them moving.

    Apart from Rugby Australia, Magellan Financial has been another challenging chairman’s role for McLennan (he is now deputy chairman). Brought onto the board by Magellan co-founder Hamish Douglass when the funds management group appeared unstoppable and to help negotiate the Cricket Australia sponsorship, McLennan looked to have scored another plum gig that would help broaden his experience into financial services.

    Others saw it as yet another instance of impressing successful founders: the McLennan and Douglass families had met in Melbourne years ago, their children had been at primary school together. The family had even bought cattle from Douglass’ wife.

    But Magellan turned sour quickly after Douglass left on medical leave, his departure triggering fund outflows and a spiralling share price. Magellan co-founder Chris Mackay says McLennan has shown “great courage” after stepping into the chairman’s role in February 2022.

    “Everyone expected Hamish Douglass to come back pretty quickly, but that didn’t happen and added to Hamish McLennan’s responsibility to hold clients, staff and the business,” he says. “Hamish McLennan worked bloody hard and stuck at it.”

    And there were plenty of setbacks. In addition to spiralling outflows, morale among Magellan’s staff sank after shares tanked, and a new chief executive lasted less than 18 months.

    Whatever the opinion on McLennan, he seems to keep at it. “My life for the last 25 years, there’s been no real distinction between work and play, and just it all blends in together,” he says.

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    Jemima Whyte
    Jemima WhyteSenior reporterJemima Whyte writes on business, specialising in companies, capital markets and innovation. Jemima has reported on business for The Australian Financial Review for more than 13 years. Email Jemima at

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